Many couples have a ring bearer for their wedding ceremony. Although traditionally the rings are placed on a white pillow, modern couples look for creative alternatives which better tie into their theme. Having something more creative will also ensure more custom and personalised ring photos. In this post we will go over 5 creative beach themed ring bearer ideas.
1. Seashell
There is nothing more iconic, when thinking about a beach wedding, than a shell. Use the inside of a sea shell to hold your rings. They are easy to find and free. You could take things further by having your initials and wedding date engraved into your shell. That will make for a fantastic keep sake as a reminder of your beach wedding day.
2. Beach Ball Pillow
Keeping to the old tradition of using a pillow but switching out the old white pillow for a more colourful beach ball inspired alternative. While this might be a little more difficult to come by it could also be a nice DIY project. This would be a great way to get your family involved if you have an aunt who can sew.
3. Driftwood
Driftwood is another item that will instant make you think beach. Drill a hole through the wood and tie your rings to it with a bit of ribbon. Driftwood is also easy to have engraved.
4. Mini Treasure Chest
Wealth is the ability to truly experience life. As two family become one and new experiences present itself. It is only fitting to have the keys to this experience. Your wedding rings, in a mini treasure chest. While a treasure chest is not the easiest thing to find and perhaps not the prettiest it still has a lot of value in symbolism.
5. Fishing Rod
We have all heard the saying “there is plenty of fish in the sea” but you’ve caught your one and only. Have your ring bearer bring your wedding rings to you tied to the end of a fishing rod. The fishing rod does not need to be a real fishing rod. A home made stick and string works just as well as its all about the idea and not so much the fishing rod.
Hopefully this post has got you thinking about your beach wedding ring bearer ideas. FeelS like there are tons more creative beach ring bearer ideas? Comment below.