It is a time honoured tradition of throwing uncooked rice a over the newly wed Mr & Mrs. Believed to bring prosperity, fertility and, of course, good fortune. Times have changed and while we still the send off the couple, its become common to use creative alternatives. This post covers 12 beautiful wedding send off ideas.
1. Paper Planes
The throwing of paper planes is a growing trend. It easy, relatively cost effective and makes for dynamic photos. The planes could be in any colours and have creative messages printed on them.
2. Confetti
While confetti has been around for a while it continues to remain a popular choice. Available in an array of colours, shapes and sizes. Most are confetti now is eco-friendly too so no messy clean up after.
3. Long Length Sparklers
Lighting the sparklers and leading the couple out to start their bright future together. Not only can sparklers light the way but can also be used to draw or write in the photography using exposure techniques.
4. Flowers / Petals
Similar to confetti but a more natural and scented option. Perhaps slightly more expensive but defiantly very romantic.
5. Bubbles
Been around for a while and its clear why. Bubbles are simple and elegant.
6. Ribbon Wands
A simple idea that could easy be part of your DIY wedding. It creates interesting photos as the ribbon wave across the sky in their various colours.
7. Glow Sticks
If you planning a night time wedding I would defiantly consider glow sticks. They fun for the guests and look amazing on camera.
8. Streamers
Available at almost any party store at very affordable prices and have a range of colours to pick from. Just make sure they eco-friendly if you having an outdoor wedding.
9. Mini Beach Balls
Having a beach wedding? Nothing suits a beach wedding quite like mini beach balls as a send off. A really novel idea and loads of fun.
10. Balloons
What is a celebration without balloons? Balloons have a number of options from colour, size, shape, length of string etc. This open it open for a lot of creativity.
11. Chinese Sky Lanterns
It is believed sky lanterns hold messages written on them to summon help on an special occasions. Have your guests write a message wishing you good fortune together before filling the sky with lanterns.
12. Mini Flags
Wave flags in celebration, each with a message printed on them. For example ‘YAY’ or ‘Congratulations’ as a simple well designed flag.