We have so much to offer in Cape Town with wedding venues catering for all types and styles. This post will go over 7 types of wedding venues you can find in Cape Town. Not only will we list them but also discuss some of their main pros and cons.
1. Beach Wedding
Are you a fan of soft white sand beneath your feet and the sound of waves crashing, not to mention a beautiful ocean view? Cape Town has a number of beaches to select from.
Pros: Beach wedding can be less expensive than hiring a venue. Do keep in mind you will need to hire chairs yourself whereas another venue would include the use of their chairs in the cost. Beach weddings offer your guests a lot of room. While you don’t want guests to spread out too far, the open area reduces the feeling of being cramped.
Cons: The weather will make or break a beach wedding. Beaches are known for getting windy especially in Cape Town. The biggest issue with beaches weddings is the general public who also want to enjoy the beach. Those beach goers are potential photo bombers. The last thing you want is to have paid for your photographer to have snapped away while random people fool around in the background. There are laws against the drinking of alcohol on the beach. While not an issue for some of your guest it might be for others. If none of that has damped your beach wedding aspirations just be sure you have the right permits. Take note, you would need a separate burning permit should you wish to have a bonfire too.
2. Winelands
Cape Town has a number of wine routes with most offering wedding packages. There are a lot of things you can do with the amount of space to customize the venue to suit your style.
Pros: A lot of wineland wedding venues to chose from in Cape Town. Has great views, perfect for taking photos. Normally rather large spaces to work with and often offering both an indoor and outdoor option. This give you more options for photos.
Cons: Wine estates can get expensive and be booked well in advance. You might also find some venues to be quite a long way to travel for some of your guests as the venue are somewhat remote.
3. Forest
Forests have always provided a sense of sanctuary and intimacy making it an ideal wedding venue. While it might not be a very common choice I think it going to be a trend we’ll see continue to grow. The ideas are endless when it comes to how to style forest weddings, you literally have room to play.
Pros: Secluded area where your guests can feel like they getting away from the city. Easy to create something visually beautiful when playing off the natural beauty of the forest. This creates lots of photo opportunities for both the couple and their guests.
Cons: Weather will have an impact on the success of the wedding like with all outdoor venues. Possible restrictions on what you can and can’t do since the a lot of the focus will be in preserving the area. Some forests are privately owned however most need a city permit. For your female guests wearing high heels could run into trouble as their heels dig into the ground.
4. Brewery
One of the more unique options out there. Often quite heigh ceilings with face brick walls. This create the opportunity for stunning photos given the contrast between the rough dark walls and the white decor (table clothes etc).
Pros: It is a unique and quirky setting your guests will remember. Rich heritage often combining the past and present lending itself well to vintage themed weddings.
Cons: Limited options as not many breweries available in Cape Town. Negative impression, especially on the older folk as not everyone likes to drink. Often not very spacious for couples with a lot of guests and a dance floor.
5. Barn / Farm
There are different styles of barn weddings, from elegant to country chic but a venue option we see many couples opting for. Barns tend to showcase the best of the rustic look therefore making it easy to build on top of what decor already exists.
Pros: Remote & intimate venues, often with the use of both indoor and outdoor space. Natural visual appeal from both the outdoors and the actual barn itself. A venue where DIY projects would feel at home.
Cons: Might appear “cheap” as part of the appeal is the old rustic vibe, however not everyone will understand that. Not all barns have proper or enough toilets to cater for the number of guests. Availability of power outlets for lights, djs etc. Access to a kitchen for the catering staff can prove troublesome.
6. Hotel
A more traditional option of having your wedding in a hotel. While it might not lend itself well for all styles of wedding a hotel makes up for it in convenience & comfort.
Pros: A lot of hotels offer a number of packages to get you going faster without much hassle. Often have multiple venues within the hotel depending on size. Some even offer access to the roof. Hotels also provide an option of accommodation after the wedding so you can party all night and simply slip away to your room before heading off on your honeymoon the next day.
Cons: Would be more on the expensive side when compared to other options. Might not be much room for customizing your wedding as hotels often have ties to certain companies when it comes to who you can hire for catering, decor etc. Be sure to ask what limits the hotel has to terms of who you can hire as you can save yourself some cash.
7. Historic Landmarks
Rather than point out each individual landmarks as its own venue I’ll wrap up this post and suggest 2 of the most popular choices. Of course top of the list of landmarks to get married at in Cape Town would be Table Mountain and Robben Island. Table Mountain actually has 6 different venues at the top.
Pros: Tons of heritage surrounding the area as well as the people who lived there. Majestic views ensuring stunning photos.
Cons: Public places where you will find tourists and plenty of photo boomers. Extra costs involved with entrance fees for each guest. Table mountain can only be reached via cable car. The cable car only goes up if the weather is calm enough. Robben Island is obviously via boat. Guests prone to motion sickness might find the boat ride hard to deal with.